Regular Events

Already established meetings of groups

Post Office

Thursday 10am to 12 noon
Post Masters Andy and Monica Pound run a weekly service, offering normal Post facilities which include ordering foreign currency, parcel returns, cash withdrawal and deposit etc. Please note that car tax cannot be processed.
Contact: Tel: 01803 770225
Email: moc.l1739289273iamg@173928927332aci1739289273nomdn1739289273uop1739289273  


Slapton Picklers
Friday 4.00pm to 5.30pm
£3 per session
Pickleball is great fun, sociable and addictive. Imagine a badminton court with a tennis net and oversized tennis bats (paddles) used to hit a large plastic golf practice ball … and complicated scoring. That’s Pickleball!
All are welcome – indeed, many Slapton Picklers are beginners. 
Contact: Steve Collier
Email:  moc.d1739289273uolci1739289273@15cd1739289273s1739289273


Tuesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Beginners welcome. Racquets available on club nights. First visit free, thereafter £3 per session. All welcome – existing members have a cross-section of experience. A very social club.
Contact: Gill Harris: Tel: 07816 971798
Email: moc.k1739289273ooltu1739289273o@3211739289273mrafs1739289273irrah1739289273
or Angela Walter:  01548 580065

Table Tennis

Wednesday 4.30pm to 5.30pm
A small group of aspiring improvers currently meets to enjoy a mixture of knock-about and games. We are reasonably competitive but don’t take it too seriously. Newcomers are very welcome.
Cost: approx £3.00-£4.00 per person according to numbers.
Contact:  Steve Collier
Email: moc.d1739289273uolci1739289273@15cd1739289273s1739289273

Zumba & Pilates

Weekly Pilates and Zumba classes are held on Tuesdays, as below, using professional recordings produced by Lara Christopher. These classes are interspersed with the occasional “Lara Masterclass”. The Masterclasses start 15 minutes later. To find out the date of the next Masterclass please ring Mandy (contact details below).  
Come and join our lovely friendly group. If you haven’t been before, to either Pilates or Zumba, the first class is free. Don’t forget to bring a cold drink!
Weekly Class –  £5 each class
Pilates 9.30 – 10.30 
Zumba 10.35 – 11.35 
Lara Masterclass – usually £7 each class or £12 for both!
Pilates 9.45 – 10.45 
Zumba 10.50 – 11.50
For more information please contact Mandy Mitchelmore on 07861295638. (moc.l1739289273iamg@1739289273eroml1739289273ehcti1739289273mydna1739289273M1739289273)


Wednesday evenings from September until April – 7.30pm to 9.30pm
The game of Short Mat Bowls is played on a 45ft long green carpet with the object of delivering woods around a central wooden block, to get as near as possible to a jack which is placed at the other end.
It is a social game that can be played by people of all ages. Anyone wishing to have a go is very welcome to come along. The first two sessions are free, with some of our seasoned members helping anyone who would like some coaching.

Annual subscription is £30, plus £3 per session played.
Contact: Arthur Wootton – Tel: 01584 581310

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